Friday, October 20, 2017

#.10... Doing hard things

I know you have been anxiously awaiting one of the biggest things I have learned this season. And it’s a big one. It’s going to SHOCK you!


#.10—I CAN do hard things

Seems self-explanatory, right? But I cannot tell you how many people I have heard say “I could never do that.” But, have you asked yourself why not??

Over the miles, hours and trails I have bled, cursed and cried.
But I pressed on.

I have had great runs, bad runs and everything in between.
But I pressed on.

I have fallen behind and questioned the very reason I signed up to race.
But I pressed on.

I CAN do hard things. And so can YOU.

When I started this season, I had a theme. In everything. I didn’t want to be the version of me I was settling for. Where everything I tried was a complimentary finisher’s medal and everyone gave out high fives. Now, before you puff out your chest about the finishers medal, let’s clarify, do I have a problem with them? Absolutely not. The struggle in running is REAL. But for me, I wanted to EARN it. WORK for it. And to beat the me, I knew I wasn’t. I had (3) young sets of eyes watching- it was time to show them that you can change if you try. More times than not, I heard my sister say out loud "you can do hard things" and how very right she was! 

It’s hard. It’s really, really, really hard. Your internal voice can make or break you. You know the one that whispers all day long? I’m sure most of my training season was spent simply changing that dialogue. From what I ate, to how I looked in mirror and what my finishing time was- it was hard to correct those whispers! Is it perfect now? No. But would I let ANYONE say the things I was saying to myself, to my kids? Hell no. In fact, that would end badly- for them. I have a bit of a temper problem, and confrontations don’t bother me. So why was it ok to say them to myself?

I know this very special woman, and for many years her mantra has been “I can’t” due to many different  reasons she had. And she believed that story, because that is what she told herself on a daily basis. Guess what? Someone finally convinced her she COULD and now she works out 5-6 days a week doing a workout called SHRED. And let me tell you- it’s HARD! I went a few times with her and barely walked out alive! But she believed she could. Then she did. And she still is!

I am sure you can relate- I have heard some of the men and women in my own tribe say the most negative things about themselves. But guess what, in running, those things come out on the pavement. As soon as you say “I can’t do this”—you won’t. 

BUT let me offer this. WHAT IF you said “I can”, just for arguments sake? What if you signed up tomorrow for something you have always wanted to achieve and your inner mantra became “I can do this”? 
(And you better tell me what you sign up for—I am 100% in!)

It was time. I needed to change me. I pushed. I tried a new morning class that terrified me. I gave up VERY important food groups. I was done crying to my husband about the old me, and making changes to be the new me. Don’t get me wrong, my soapbox isn’t so tall that I can’t admit that I still fight the old me- I do- every morning when the alarm goes off. But I have learned if I simply show up, I am miles ahead of who I used to be.

This race will mark the FIRST time I have raced with a mental voice saying I can. This is the first time I have publicly put a goal out there to achieve. And as terrifying as it is to do so, here goes….

In 2011 I ran this race with a finishing time of 3:09:46.
In 2013 I ran this race with a finishing time of 3:09:36.
In 2014 I achieved my best half marathon time (on a different course) coming in at 2:43:57.
Which one do I want to beat?
All. Of. Them.

And when I do it (see what I did there?), yes I will most likely ugly cry. All over my little brother. And he will mildly panic.

Before I jump off the soap box, one last thing. I would like to implore you to find those running (in this race, or the next), and shout out to the mountains of awesomeness they possess. Text them, call them, put it on social media—who cares?! Just do it. This shit is hard. When someone simply says (true story) “Good luck on Saturday, you’ll rock it!” it does wonders for that inner voice. It does so much for both your soul and your soles. Your tribe is vital in many; many ways- show your running friends much love when you hear of their endeavors! And then jump on this crazy bandwagon and join us. If you are reading this and already part of this big crazy world-- you ARE AMAZING and you are overcoming HARD things!! Fist pump to you, my friend.

Tomorrow my crazy sole sisters (and our pacing brother) will embark on a journey of more self-discovery then I can ever put into words. Thank you for being a fan.

Love and Miles,

Ps… I have now gotten off of my soapbox. Safely and slowly. No need for injuries.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

13.1 Things I learned this season....

I think it has been a year since I published last! What?! Where did time go? Well, let me tell you! I have three small children that suck every minute out of every day. But yet, somehow my youngest just turned two. The days are agonizingly slow, but the years fly by. 

This year, I trained a bit differently than I have ever trained before! And through the blood, sweat and tears, I just KNEW all of you followers wanted to hear all about it! (Yes, all 4 of you- and that includes my mom)

With (4) days left to my next big race, I thought an epic recount of the season was in order! Without further ado, here is the 13.1 things I learned this season!

#13- Training with others

This season, I did something very different, which I have never done before. I was inspired by a dear friend of mine to find at least one person to run with. Someone that would push me and make the time fly! Seeing as my sister and I looped in our sister-from-another-mister to go on this journey with us, she was a given addition to our running group. We completed our group with my younger, yet MUCH FASTER, brother.  And at first, I wasn't sure how it was going to work. But as the weeks went on we found a groove, a rhythm and our happy place. Well, as happy as you can be when you are running. 

#12- Find the beat
Did you know that you can buy a song based on the beats per minute? Matching them to your cadence? That way you can pace simply by the beats on the tunes your cranking??? WHAT??!?!?!?! I had no idea!! Maybe listening to sappy romance novels while running wasn't actually helping my pace- just my boredom! And it's been FABULOUS!!! Who knew??? Not to mention my MOST fabulous karaoke skills were blasted for all of my neighborhood to hear- you're welcome. I should have charged for the show.

#11- Early is always worth it
If you are anything like me, otherwise known as a normal and sane person, you like to sleep. And sleeping in is even better! But as our group formed, the only time everyone was free happened to be between 5 AM and 8 AM. AM People. When sane people are still sleeping. When you need a flashlight to see and are thankful criminals are most likely sleeping (ya know-- like you want to be). When you see more wildlife than you ever have before and the moon is the one to greet you on the trail. Every single Saturday (sometimes Sunday) I grumbled when that 4:45 alarm went off. I had 300 reasons I didn't want to go. But here is the thing. Once you're done, you're done. Your day is still available to you! You don't run in 90 degree weather and a 32 ounce coffee is easier to justify (stop judging). I still run short distances in the evening, don't get me wrong, but for those lengthy runs- we meet up, we conquer, we complain, we guzzle coffee and then we enjoy the rest of our day!

#10- Register on time
If you know me, you know I am one cheap bastard. I mean I have buyers remorse over groceries. It's bad. Races tend to bump up the price every 1-2 months just to encourage you to sign up earlier. Wouldn't you think that someone like me would sign up as soon as it's released? You would. But then you would be wrong. For real. I would like to put this in the "lesson learn-ING" category. Committing is so hard, like signing your favorite child away (don't act like you don't have a favorite-ish)! But if you're thinking of racing- SIGN UP TODAY. Trust me. I have no one but myself to blame for the extra $40 I spent.

#9- Cross training

Never before have I both cross trained and completed a running program. Crazy, but true. I was most certainly of the mind set that you only HAD to do one! It turns out adding in something else, besides running, is the best thing I did for myself. Now of course I should have known- it would be hard- you don't become a bad ass doing easy things. The class was called "Cardio Camp" for goodness sakes- what was I thinking- however it was worth it! My stamina increased, my muscles were actually defined (say WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT????) and I felt better on the beaten path. Don't worry, it was also at 6:00 am (seriously people), but once I looped in my dear friend, got to know my workout companions and fell in the love with the workout- going each time got easier, believe it or not. 

Driving his hubcap
#8- My brother 
If you know my brother, then this will make total sense to you. He is a character. Not only can he host an entire conversation BY HIMSELF while you're dying for your last breath, he collects every single thing he sees on the trail. Sometimes its a roll of plastic chain, or maybe a hubcap! You NEVER know! But he will carry it- the entire run- have a conversation with you all while making you pace faster than you ever have! He makes sure no (wo)man is left behind and finishes the run like he is ready for another. And no matter when we take our group photo- he cannot simply be in it- you have to find him. In all his fabulous glory. 

And if you're behind him? He will leave you a motivational message! I have (6) siblings, and so it is hard to connect with each one- but running with my little brother consistently for months? So many memories Ill always laugh, roll my eyes and shake my head when I think of them. 

#7- Rain Running
That one time I found out
that jogging shorts and
rain do NOT mix. 

In the mid-west- you NEVER KNOW what the weather is going to do. 

The best thing that can happen while you're training is that it rains. Seems odd, I know. But knowing what your bra is going to do when it's full of water is actually quite vital.

Soaked to the bone, flashlights out.. Trying not to die!

 So picture this-- it was 5:30 am (every time I type "am" it hurts my heart knowing how often I have NOT slept in), anyways.... back to the story. It was 5:30 am, and we were running on my brother's path up north. The goal for the day was 11 miles, and it was cold! The problem with the cold is you dress for 10-15 degrees warmer than what it actually is. So you freeze for the first mile, but warm up as you go. On this wonderful morning, as soon as we got out of our cars, the wind picked up and it began to sprinkle. OK, no problem. Just as our Garmin trackers dinged that they were ready IT POURED. The wind was so bad-- the rain was sideways. Within 10 minutes every single one of us looked like drowning rats. Except my brother, who found a sign on the trail and carried it over his head. He looked a bit odd- and like he was marketing his "I Buy Houses for Cash" business- but he was most certainly dryer! But ya know what? We finished- everyone was in tact, a bit chilly and my SFAM was squishing as she walked. But now we know.

#6- There is always pain
I don't think any of us have come out the other side of this season unscathed. Under arms, heels and inner thighs were rubbed raw(how that happened with my running shorts? Who knows). Sideways ankles from walnuts, rocks and the sidewalk drop off. Not to mention the actual pain that incurs when you run for hours at a time. We all got REAL familiar with our foam rollers! So much so, that in my house, my youngest knows how to do it. Yes, it hurts. But it's worth it. And if all else fails, my sister runs with Kleenexes. Dry your eyes and press on.

#5- Take the dog
If you know me personally, you've seen all of my pictures on the path with the dog. Although one may assume this is for safety reasons -he's not- he meets no strangers and thinks he weighs 5 pounds. It turns out, and this may come as surprise, he is faster than me. And after a few runs he not only loved the one-on-one attention but he remembered the pace. So on days when I'm NOT in the mood, he is. And he runs. And he weighs more than 5 pounds. So most of time, he is running me. But we make our goals, and we both enjoy it. So if you don't have one, you should get a dog. So many life lessons you are learning here- I hope you are taking notes!

#4- Take out the headphones
Whatever your centered pull to this world, or another is, sometimes you just have to turn off the beats and run. Listen to the madness in your head and sort it out. I've spent more runs doing this, chatting with my Creator, than I thought I ever would! And MAYBE a few times it was because my headphones were dead, but let's not focus on that. Just try it. You might be surprised how many world sized problems you can sort just by running through them. There really is beauty everywhere- spend some time and notice it.

#3- I am a shorts runner
I'm not sure whether or not I should apologize to my neighborhood for the early stages of this discovery. There were a few runs that, shall we say, displayed more of my.... assets than I had planned. For instance, I had a pair of running shorts that would simply flip up in the front any time I ran. Imagine trying to fix the front of your shorts, hold the leash, your water and maintain pace. I looked like a running circus! I also ran in a pair that were spandex, and too big, so when I really got started they would just creep right up my thigh. I was running in large panties, essentially. Awesome. Never had I wanted to sweat so badly so they would stay in place! Don't worry, I realized that with a splash of water they would stay put! So yes, I stood on the sidewalk and sprayed water on my inner thighs. You're welcome. But, with the right pair, I was FREE! I was so comfortable and everything was so vented!! Oh my word why did I wait so long??

#2- Put your shoes on
One of the hardest things about running, is in fact going for a run. Life is crazy busy and putting it on the schedule doesn't make it happen. Great start- but following through is hard. I've learned just putting on your shoes gets you out the door. Put 'em on. Start. I have never regretted going for a run!

#1- Get faster
I started running when my first daughter, she is now 7, was born. I needed something for me. For 6 years, I was the same pace. I could not get faster, and so I settled. I figured that's where I was going to stay. This past year I adopted a new way of thinking. And when I started to train, I knew the only person I had to beat (besides my sister), was in fact... me. I knew that when it was too hard, I would give up. I knew the internal talk that would cause it. The finishing time I would have because I didn't try harder and gave up. And I was OK with it. Not happy with it. Just OK.  Not any more. I researched, and found a plan. I was going to be faster this year. I was going to beat that internal dialogue, that settling feeling and me in general. I would be better. And so I was. I wrote goals on my hand and BEAT them. I ran sprints (so stupid). I ran hills (I almost died). And I paced my short runs as tempo runs (of course this was the pace the dog chose). But guess what? It worked. I got faster. Everything came together just like I read about (writers are so freaking smart)! You CAN be better. You CAN beat you. But you have to work for it. You have to sweat and bleed for it. But YOU CAN DO IT.

#.1...... The hardest, and most important part of a half marathon! So important that it has it's OWN ENTRY!!!! Stay tuned-- trust me it's worth it.

I love running, seeing personal records beaten and hopefully encouraging others as they laugh along with me. Thank you for reading! Please feel free to email, share and comment on this post! I love hearing from you! 

I am almost done with the next entry and cannot wait to share it with you! Until then... Get out there. Be the best version of you that you can- and then beat her!

Love and miles


Monday, August 8, 2016

TRX…. Totally Really XHard

One of my newest adventures has been to commit to a TRX class twice a week. Before we can talk about where I am at now, and the amount of soreness that comes with this class, let’s go back in the past… 

Way way way back to the time that I accidentally walked into a class called “TRX Bootcamp.” 
(What was the accident? Well I only saw “Bootcamp” so imagine my surprise when everyone in the class was hanging onto straps when I walked in!) 

Example 1
Let’s just say that they all saw me walk in so I couldn’t back out and hold my head up. And if you are thinking “would you have left if no one saw you?”
Super terrifying.
Had it not been for the girl put in charge of helping me, with every question I had, I may not have survived.
Every single time we had to move the bands.
And every exercise.
And every stretch.
I hope she logged the extra calories burned that day.

With the brave challenge beginning I found a fantastic babysitter and joined the day time TRX class. After that one class long, long ago I thought for sure this would be a “crushed it” kind of class, right?? OK, so what is TRX? The serious, non-Katie, answer? It’s an exercise class based on using anchored straps (see example 1) to do exercises off of. Now, although the instructor does show you how to modify almost everything—a lot of the exercises are based off of using your own body weight as resistance. Totally unfair. And ridiculous. Uuuggggggghhhhhhhhh. (insert HUGE eye roll here). So essentially you're learning to use your core more for balance while you workout, engaging more muscles as you go. Here are some examples (and yes, OBVIOUSLY that’s me in the picture!)

For the record, I am glad I didn’t see the pictures prior to attending, that would have scared the crap out of me!

Turns out the class attendance was on the small side and everyone knew each other, so I was the new kid. With a little bit of bravado and a whole lot of humor deflection I stared my anchor down and knew I could conquer this. Ifffffffff I could only figure out how to adjust it! Wait, what do you mean put your feet in the anchor? Suspended pushups??? What??? I cant even do normal pushups! (Yes, I use my knees- stop judging!) Mountain climbers?? Oh my good word. I am not going to make it! But no amount of phone checking for a babysitter mayday text saved me. And yes, there were classes I simply put my feet in the anchor and stared at the instructor with amazement and perplexed horror. Slowly and surely I caught on. And by caught on, I mean I could put my feet in the handles without falling over and “oommpphh”ing loudly. And it turns out the smaller class was beneficial! Those people are amazing and they think I am funny!

And since it was boot camp OF COURSE we ran stairs, we sprinted, we abused the ropes, we dripped sweat on every surface imaginable and we worked. Hard. I would even venture to say I worked my butt off, but that's still in progress.

So how did it go?
It hurt.
It was painful.
It was flipping hard.
I did it.

I did it. I faced something that was hard and did it. I am by far the least coordinated in the class, and the last time the instructor said time for one legged burpees I literally threw up a little in my mouth. Yes, it’s a work in progress, but here is the crazy thing. I feel stronger. I can see definition in my shoulders and as the classes have flown by this summer I can do more and more of the exercises I thought were pure madness! (Not one legged burpees though- don’t get crazy!)

HOWEVER.... Remember how I used to spend class on the floor simply looking perplexed? Now when she says to do pikes.... Look at me! (But then she says 12 pikes and I still looked perplexed after I accomplish my first :/)

 I felt vindicated when we left one day and there was an ambulance outside the building. The EMT's were just arriving. Obviously they were in the right place! Did they know class just got out?? 

Am I still attending? Yes. I am a glutton for punishment and I am actually starting to enjoy it! Can you do it? For sure. That's not the real question though. The real question is will you try something that you are scared of? For you? Because YOU are worth it? Although I wont be able to go every class this year (school schedules really mess things up! :)) I am attending once a week-- you should totally come with me!!

Next up..... well... there are alot of things on the list so more to come!

Until next time.... Be you and be BRAVE!

~~ Katie

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Fat Suit

So… running. I miss it. It’s like a bad relationship- you say you need space, and then you take it but it’s always on your mind, everything you have reminds you of it and you have moments of longing…. That is me and running. After my first two children came into the world, I “celebrated” with a half marathon, except for Ella. I was sadly sidelined. And I was actually sad about it!

So what happened?

I have been asked alot of questions about this, as well as my most recent blog about being Brave.

(If you haven't read it- you should- the author is phenomenal if I do say so myself! You can find that entry here: )

Did I quit because running is boring- no. Actually running is a sanity check for me. A stress reliever. Plus I usually listen to audible books when I run so I tend to run longer just to finish that chapter!
Sadly, though, I was icing my knee and my hip nightly and then it got to the point where it was painful even on the off days. A trip to the Doctor diagnosed me into a large “runner’s knee” category which then landed me in a physical therapy office. Although the consistent visits to physical therapy kept my legs shaved regularly, it was definitely a trying experience. From there the diagnosis was more specific (no I don’t remember what they called it), but the short version is that I had extremely pulled my IT Band, which in turn (because I ran through the pain- I’m tough what can I say?) I then proceeded to pull out the muscle around my hip to compensate. Continuing to attend boot camp with the aches and pains just made it worse. Turns out when the instructor tells you to squat a certain way—pay attention!! Had I noticed earlier that I was squatting with my knees and not my hips I could have saved myself a lot of pain, and co-pays. But here we are! Now I know! A perfect storm of trying to work off an injury had caught up with me.
Forced into a “no running until you’re cleared” turned me into a grumpy momma. So as I braced the brave challenge with my daughter I became hopeful that this would lift my spirits! Why did I take on something new while injured? Well, it’s a moving injury. In other words—exercising and ice are the best way to make it better. The only obstacles I now have (in addition to the mountain I already had) are I don’t have any balance; I have to limit jumping-type impacts and baby my right knee. But it’s a work through type of journey and the longer I wait the worse it will be (insert eye roll and long huff here)!

So what is the goal here? Why are my brave challenges focused mainly on healthy things and not fun things like sky diving? And why am I even doing this? Let’s preface this next part and just point out that I am not looking for compliments or to argue with anyone about what is healthy and what is not. I feel like that is a personal debate and struggle. So here, I will tell you MY opinion and where I am coming from and you can do with it what you will.

I have 3 beautiful, ornery, funny and challenging children. They each own a piece of my heart I will never get back, nor would I change anything about it. But when I go outside to play with them, I struggle. I do not, personally feel, like I am the me I should be. I have not made the healthiest decisions to land me where I should be, but instead have landed me where I am. Blatantly put, I feel like I am wearing a fat suit that I can’t unzip. Where my running clothes fit and not just hide the jiggle! I want to play with my children and be able to enjoy it, not try to catch my breath during red-rover. I want to feel like the me that I should be. Now I have read many different posts and blogs about being happy in the state you are in- and I think that is a great perspective- for other people. For me, I just can’t say that. With the personality I have I would simply not try any more if I told myself I was happy. NOT that that isn’t ok for other people—you go for it if that fits you! But for me, for my kids and for my husband I can do better. And I wholly don’t believe in a goal that ends. For instance, I will do this to lose 20 pounds for the wedding I am in. Nope. I think that sets me up for failure. Instead my goals are more like once I lose 20 pounds, I will start in on the next 10. And I want to be healthy and show my kids how to be healthy. To love my kids enough that I also love myself. Cheesy. I know. But that’s the dill pickle.

Whew! Now that the awkward part is out there- I was cleared for boot camp so I took that as a good start! If you are looking for a challenging workout, let me tell you- this is IT! Not only is the instructor fantastic, but the people in the group as fabulous as well! They even miss you when you cannot make it! If you want a good place to start with intense interval training- this is it! But they will kick your butt so be ready! Don’t let them fool you—they are fierce and they will make you push harder. But I was comfortable in the class. I no longer needed humor to deflect the “there is no way I can do that” feeling and class was a fun place to be! Although I was nursing the ole knee and hip I was still getting in a good workout.

If you don’t know what boot camp is—it’s 40 minutes of continuous interval training. Or, in my opinion, 40 minutes of good ole fashioned sweaty fun. It’s hard, but it’s worth it. I can actually see my muscles and I am no longer a grumpy mom! It’s funny, it’s hard and it’s addicting. Now if you know me, and that my sarcasm is a sign of terrified-ness, there are moments in which I’m not sure if I am going to make it! Some tell me I am dramatic, but humor for me, is a deflector. If you are laughing at me you probably won’t pay much attention to the fact that when she says do 15 burpees I struggle at 10.I have also learned that running isn’t the only sport in which a good bra is needed! Although I love boot camp, and even more so- the people, it’s time to add some flare into the mix!

So why write about this? Isn’t it too personal?


But on the other hand-- Is it too personal?

In my life I have grown the most by people sharing struggles that are very dear and personal to them. Ones that others would be embarrassed to bring up, much less make public. It would truly be an honor to be help in some way to another, goodness knows I have a few that I need to pay forward! Not to mention the adventure of marriage, motherhood and friendship requires moments of pure bravado. Who knows, maybe the extra practice will make the brave face easier to put on!

All that said- at the end of the day- I want to be brave enough to be the me I know my loved ones deserve.

As the Brave challenge begins, and my husband’s availability to be home in time for my evening boot camp I know it’s time to take on a different spin of boot camp and start TRX!

You should totally join me! You know it would be fun(ny)!

More on that later…..

Have a brave day!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Being Brave

As I look back on this blog and all I shared with you, I definitely used the time to bring you in to the humor of how I run. And I have definitely had some adventures with running; accomplished some goals, got peer pressured into everything (insert eye roll) and had some memories!

But as life has moved on, things have definitely changed for me as well! We are now blessed with (3) munchkins ranging from 8 months to 5 years old! So as you can imagine our life is in a constant state of chaos and change! And sadly, so is my figure.

One of our biggest changes this year will fall onto my compassionate, shy and reluctant 5 year old child. Kindergarten is coming! In the many conversations we have had about this new adventure for her, and there have been oh so many, we have discussed being brave. That there are things in everyone’s life they may not want to do, but they have to build up the courage and brave the change. During one of our many conversations, she looked me in the eye and asked

“Do grownups need to be brave?”
“Yes.” I told her
“Then what are you doing that you have to be brave about?” She replied

Well. Crap.

Nothing. I do the same thing, every week. I expect amazing results from my normal routine even though I won’t go out of my zone to push the limits. I like my comfort zone, there are snacks here. You can totally judge me, I am ok with that. I forget how comfortable I am where I am until I see a picture of myself, or notice how often I grimace and hide from a camera. Things have to change, but I have to be brave enough to change them.

I then decided, and promised my daughter, that I would find some ways to be brave with her. We would be a brave duo! Well, it turns out she hasn’t let me forget and keeps asking me what I am doing to be brave! As a great reminder we put it on the wall so we can see it every day and I know myself well enough that if I don’t make it very public, I will probably lose sight of it. And if I am going to ask her to do things that push her to the limits; I should definitely lead by example! Alright everyone- it's time for me to put on my big girl panties (bigger than they should be) and BE BRAVE!

So I made a list of things to do, then realized my list weren't things that would push me. More along the lines of things I wanted to do. So, round two, here we are. I have made my list of things I am NOT comfortable doing, and am giving myself 9 weeks to do them. 9 weeks seem like a lot of time but as I sat down to plan this adventure I realized it really isn’t. At all. Nope. Maybe I should have said a year. That would have been good too. Sigh. However, in 9 weeks I will be another year older. 

Double Crap.

Please feel free to join me on an adventure- or all of them. Seriously. It would be super fun and you know it! And we all know I am going to make my sister do at least a few with me! If anything it would be fun to come and laugh at me. Or us. Probably us.

Here we go- things I have yet to be brave enough to try-
  •  Meal prep weekly (you would think that staying home would make eating what I should be eating easy- nope. Not at all.)
  • Working with a personal trainer- I am a rather cheap person. I think everything is expensive (unless we are talking about sneakers) and I always thought I could do it on my own. “Could” being the word to focus on here.
  • Water boot camp—because boot camp isn’t enough, I OBVIOUSLY need to do it in my bathing suit!
  • TRX boot camp—when your body weight is the resistance, being the heavier attendee seems quite unfair, just saying.
  • Cleanse. Do I really have to go into why this one is a tad bit un-nerving?
  • Double my daily steps—why else do you track your steps if you aren’t going to do anything with the information? Unless there is a step club I am unaware of! Oooh maybe there is and they have snacks- OH AND the snacks should get better the more steps you take! This is an amazing plan!
  • Workout 2x a week, in the morning, for 4 weeks. Sigh. This is going to take more bravado and discipline than I care to admit.Have you every seen that fantastically fit people working out before work? 

So there you have it. Time to take on my brave adventures and don’t worry, I’ll let you know how it goes. Even though it is safe to say it will mostly be disastrous, funny and you’re going to wish you had been there!I have already started my journey and schedule and there are already many laughs, eye rolls and moments you will enjoy reading about! 

Here’s to a braver me! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My little freeloader

So it is official- or has been official for about 33 weeks- we are expecting #3. Crazy, I know! I find it odd that people make the same comments to me about having another baby as they do about the different races/experiences I volunteer myself for....

"Are you crazy?"

"Another one? Were the first two not enough?"

"How do you do it?"

"That's awesome, I am happy for you, and at the same time a little scared of you!"

I could go on and on, but let's stop there! No, the comments don't bother me, I take them as compliments! I love the adventure my life has become and I have no issue with the take other people have on it! But let me tell you, the first few weeks of this baby's life, and my exercise life have not meshed well! If you have kids, you know the extent of fun ("fun" is used lightly here) that a pregnancy can be! Nausea, constipation, fatigue, heightened sense of I-smell-everything-including-your-ketchup, constipation.... It's a fun little cycle, so why not throw in boot camp and a few miles each week while I'm at it? I have been DETERMINED not to gain the massive amounts of pounds my first two children blessed me with . Let's be honest, they didn't bless me with them, I used them as a nice excuse to eat everything and do nothing! (Including me eating all of their fruit snacks- seriously those things are freaking delicious!)

**I apologize for the delay, I had to go have a fruit roll-up**

This is a first for me, I have never exercised when I was pregnant... I beached my belly from day one, rolled out the maternity pants and lived on the couch! But I KNEW I could do this... Or at least I was determined to try! I just spent the last 6 months getting back down to my wedding day weight (yes, yes I did) and this pregnancy was not going to be a gut buster! 

Here are the 5 things I have learned about exercising while pregnant

1) There is NO amount of walking/running/jogging that I will not do to move my bowels. None. If you tell me I can sit down and poop if I go run 3 miles... DONE. (By the way, it really does work! Every. Time.)

2) Even the smallest jog was a new experience! My best bra, shirt and pants and it didn't matter... I jiggled EVERYWHERE! There wasn't a part of my body that didn't feel more jiggly-wiggly than I have every imagined... I really wanted to duct tape it all down... True. Story.

3) Sweating a little bit here and there actually helps you want to eat and drink! I had the biggest aversion to water this time- water! But I will say a brisk walk definitely helped me chug it down!

4) Boot camp was the ONLY time I was not nauseous. How is that for fat-girl karma? I was too dog tired to wash the dishes, participate in fun-filled activities outside of movie time and nap was the absolute best part of the day but if I could get started at boot camp I got an hour of non-nausea. And I was willing to push through an hour of stair-climbing, burpee filled boot camp if that meant I could smell ketchup and not want to lose my breakfast.

5) Lastly... I didn't need my maternity clothes from the instant that test was positive. I am not talking about those of you that are naturally smaller and your little bean shows in your tummy right away. I am far from it! With my first two, the instant the double line showed up I drug out those large and stretchy pants. (Ok, with the second maybe I never had them all packed away) But the 3rd time has been a charm.... well that and my super stretchy yoga pants!

Results of all this madness? I smelled worse, my house was filthy, my children unbathed and my husband loved the menu of pizzas and take out for 2 solid months! The flip side? I gained (0) pounds for my first trimester! CRUSHED IT! And have continued the weight gain to be so far under my other two children that I MAY strut my stuff from time to time....

Now my belly is out there- and by that I mean push-ups are no longer measured by how low can you go, but go as low as your belly will allow! I did it, even when I thought I couldn't and who knew that fitness and pregnancy could be such an adventure!

Here's to my attempts at being a fit momma, an easy birth/recovery and easy pooping!

6 more weeks... 6 more classes.... And cheers to only 6 more pounds (<-- that all belong to the baby!)

One more burpee never killed anyone... That I know of!
