Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My little freeloader

So it is official- or has been official for about 33 weeks- we are expecting #3. Crazy, I know! I find it odd that people make the same comments to me about having another baby as they do about the different races/experiences I volunteer myself for....

"Are you crazy?"

"Another one? Were the first two not enough?"

"How do you do it?"

"That's awesome, I am happy for you, and at the same time a little scared of you!"

I could go on and on, but let's stop there! No, the comments don't bother me, I take them as compliments! I love the adventure my life has become and I have no issue with the take other people have on it! But let me tell you, the first few weeks of this baby's life, and my exercise life have not meshed well! If you have kids, you know the extent of fun ("fun" is used lightly here) that a pregnancy can be! Nausea, constipation, fatigue, heightened sense of I-smell-everything-including-your-ketchup, constipation.... It's a fun little cycle, so why not throw in boot camp and a few miles each week while I'm at it? I have been DETERMINED not to gain the massive amounts of pounds my first two children blessed me with . Let's be honest, they didn't bless me with them, I used them as a nice excuse to eat everything and do nothing! (Including me eating all of their fruit snacks- seriously those things are freaking delicious!)

**I apologize for the delay, I had to go have a fruit roll-up**

This is a first for me, I have never exercised when I was pregnant... I beached my belly from day one, rolled out the maternity pants and lived on the couch! But I KNEW I could do this... Or at least I was determined to try! I just spent the last 6 months getting back down to my wedding day weight (yes, yes I did) and this pregnancy was not going to be a gut buster! 

Here are the 5 things I have learned about exercising while pregnant

1) There is NO amount of walking/running/jogging that I will not do to move my bowels. None. If you tell me I can sit down and poop if I go run 3 miles... DONE. (By the way, it really does work! Every. Time.)

2) Even the smallest jog was a new experience! My best bra, shirt and pants and it didn't matter... I jiggled EVERYWHERE! There wasn't a part of my body that didn't feel more jiggly-wiggly than I have every imagined... I really wanted to duct tape it all down... True. Story.

3) Sweating a little bit here and there actually helps you want to eat and drink! I had the biggest aversion to water this time- water! But I will say a brisk walk definitely helped me chug it down!

4) Boot camp was the ONLY time I was not nauseous. How is that for fat-girl karma? I was too dog tired to wash the dishes, participate in fun-filled activities outside of movie time and nap was the absolute best part of the day but if I could get started at boot camp I got an hour of non-nausea. And I was willing to push through an hour of stair-climbing, burpee filled boot camp if that meant I could smell ketchup and not want to lose my breakfast.

5) Lastly... I didn't need my maternity clothes from the instant that test was positive. I am not talking about those of you that are naturally smaller and your little bean shows in your tummy right away. I am far from it! With my first two, the instant the double line showed up I drug out those large and stretchy pants. (Ok, with the second maybe I never had them all packed away) But the 3rd time has been a charm.... well that and my super stretchy yoga pants!

Results of all this madness? I smelled worse, my house was filthy, my children unbathed and my husband loved the menu of pizzas and take out for 2 solid months! The flip side? I gained (0) pounds for my first trimester! CRUSHED IT! And have continued the weight gain to be so far under my other two children that I MAY strut my stuff from time to time....

Now my belly is out there- and by that I mean push-ups are no longer measured by how low can you go, but go as low as your belly will allow! I did it, even when I thought I couldn't and who knew that fitness and pregnancy could be such an adventure!

Here's to my attempts at being a fit momma, an easy birth/recovery and easy pooping!

6 more weeks... 6 more classes.... And cheers to only 6 more pounds (<-- that all belong to the baby!)

One more burpee never killed anyone... That I know of!


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