Friday, September 28, 2012

Criminal Minds

 One evening, with my whopping 400 channels, I couldn’t find anything to watch on the ‘ole tube. Surprising, I know. So I became engulfed into the reruns of the show called Criminal Minds. I was hooked! I couldn’t believe I had been missing this show this whole time! (My bad friends didn’t tell me about it- or at least how fabulous the show was!) For those of you that have never seen the show, in short: it’s about a special group of FBI agents from the BAU that track down serial killers based on their crimes. Some of the crimes that the show depicts are pretty brutal, but that just keeps you routing for the good guys! So not only did I start to DVR the new shows, but the reruns as well, DVR was loading up quickly- who new it was on 14 times a day! I was finding reasons why I HAD to fold the laundry in the room with the DVR… I had many seasons to catch up on and piece together.
I know, I know I might sound like I am getting off point here, and this is supposed to be about physical fitness- but stay with me!
So my brain was full of Criminal Minds episodes, and one evening I was determined to get my preggo behind out the door and pound the pavement with my overpriced running shoes. During this particular evening stroll, I was cruising to my tunes, checking out the neighborhood and hoping my bra still fit well enough to be out in public. About halfway through my walk, I noticed an older house - in not so good of shape - coming up…
I need to note for the record that I am not a judgmental person and truly believe it’s not on what the outside that counts but the inside… well except my outside which is why I am exercising- but that’s beside the point!
ANYWAYS… From this particular house, out walks this little old lady, yes with blue hair, and her (what appeared to be) grandson. They weren’t fighting, but I would have never spoken to an elder in the way that he was speaking to her.
What I "saw"
Then it happened…
Criminal Minds Flash…
My brain flashed to a “what would you do” situation, and here is how I played it out in my head… the old lady was going to see me, note my protruding belly and want my baby. She would give the silent signal to her grandson who would keep shouting at her, but move ever so quickly to be closer to me. Then before I know it I am trying my best to “run” from the grandson knowing they are going to kidnap me- lock me up- deliver my baby- take my baby- and dump my body. End of story. And sure enough as I glance at my phone noting I would be able to call the cops or even my husband the 5% battery is flashing… Holy crap.
Probably more to what she looked like
Carried away… don’t ya think? The bad part is once I checked back into reality I noticed I had STOPPED walking and was staring. That was a fun one to play off… yes, I did… I bent over like I was picking something up off the ground (with a grunt nonetheless) and continued on my way. Quickly. My pace magically was VERY quick after that whole brain flash.
Once I got home, locked the door and peered out the window to verify they weren’t actually following me, my husband looked at me quite perplexed. Somewhere between the point of “are you okay?” and “what did you do?” Once I regaled my story to my husband; he walked off while muttering that I needed to stop watching Criminal Minds.
Lesson learned here?
You shoud ALWAYS watch Criminal Minds, you never know the type of people you live around! However, follow up that show with one that teaches you how to escape from those elder ladies that want your unborn baby!

Happy Miles to you


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The run that should include a free Hospital Visit!

 Kansas City Hospital Hill 2012
In May of this year, it was determined that my siblings were going to complete the 2012 Hospital Hill Race that was slated for June. Well… Except for my injured older brother…
 Shortly after this discussion my husband and I found out we were expecting baby #2! Although we were hoping this news would come sooner rather than later; I thought for sure I would be able to complete this race as well… I mean come on… I was a professional runner… this was my second (dusts off shoulders) half marathon so how hard could it be?
Within the first 6 weeks of this little one’s life I was a horrendous wreck! Between the nausea, sleep deprivation, toddler running around and my full time job (away from the home) I was definitely NOT staying on my training plan. But I was not backing out either! These things are not cheap and I had made such a big deal of doing something together… there was no turning back. So after my $60 check was cleared—I was in. (And yes... I double checked just in case) 
As the weeks went by I realized that instead of any goal breaking during this good 'ole race, my new goal was going to be to finish… before they closed ‘er down. All but one sibling was in, including one of my dear cousins (rock star) and even my sister-in-law signed up for the 10k (You go girl!)!
Race day had arrived… we were all anxiously awaiting the gun to go off… lined up in our corrals and giving last minute advice. My advice to the masses? I will be in the back so if you slow down just know someone is behind you! Fitting I thought- and reassuring to the first timers!

And then it began… we were off…

Quickly I was on my own… and although I had planned to briskly walk the entire race, there is something about race day that just gets you going… so I decided I would run a few miles (never thought that would just roll off the tongue) to get my time set at a good pace. As the 3:00 pace team crept up on me, I knew I just had to stay with them- and keep an eye out for my family because SURELY they wouldn't just breeze through this horribly difficult race!
However... As most of my racing experiences have proven... I learned a few things during this race….
First, it is very lonely to run alone! If you run alone consistently, I am amazed with you! I am funny, but after awhile even I quit laughing at my own jokes! I missed my sister dearly but I knew she had her own goals to accomplish so I managed to not look crazy but keep myself going.
Second, pay attention to the race name… Hospital Hill… this should have told me two things… there would be a MASS of hills to conquer; and I would probably need a Hospital! Both of which do not equal to a leisurely walk!
Third, the phrase “I am just going to walk the half” doesn’t make any sense in the same sentence… you don’t JUST WALK 13.1 miles… it’s not natural!
Lastly, my family just breezes through a lot of things... I should rethink my underestimating!
By the time the 3:00 hour mark had passed I was still a few miles from the finish, I was racing the pace car behind me and kept trying to tell myself if it did actually pass me, just jump in the back seat. The five –or so- of us stragglers at the back were struggling. Thank heavens for those wonderful pace runners the race designates! I am not sure how many times I thought for sure I was going to die but just as I wanted to keel over they would look at me and say “only (x) amount left and you will have done it!!” And so I continued. Yes, mom, there may have been a few curse words, tears and wishing for better shoes... but I persevered.

Finally the 13.0 mile marker was in sight and even though my joints were NOT happy- I ran it in... kind of. As I ran in, for the first time, during exercise, I cried out of joy (I was definitely out of sweat so I knew it was something different in my eyes). Coming down the final hill to the finish I saw my entire family waiting for me with signs and cheers… (Even typing about this brings tears to my eyes) What a wonderful feeling it was to know I had fans! And on a side note... my mind went to "So this is what it looks like when the volunteers start to clean up the finishing ceremony!"

AND as I turned around after completion I realized... I wasn’t last… There were still people behind me! Okay, Okay… there were only about five people behind me but I wasn’t last! Goal accomplished!!

My Heroes of the day(L-R)

Me and my Hulk Arms... finished around 3:30
Courtney 3:05
Amy 2:57
Elliott 2:57
Liz (our rock star 10K-er) 1:13
Corey 1:45
Ben Undetermined... he claims 30 minutes but let's be real here

And last but definitely not least... our sister picture that we capture at each race... Although she has by far surpassed me in training and can outpace me in a heart beat... She is my inspiration and will continue to be~

We conquered the hill alright... and I will gladly state that I will never attempt to conquer it again...

Why would I? There is no need for me to over achieve on this one... once is definitely enough for me!

No worries to all you avid fans out there either (don't worry I know you are out there) I will be doing "walks" for the duration of this pregnancy and have my next half scheduled to be mastered November 2013 with plenty of HILARIOUS trainings throughout the journey so STAY TUNED!

Happy Trails to you, I hope this motivates you to keep moving and Until the next time!
