Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I am a Judgy Judgerson...

Don’t judge a book by its cover- I know my parents instilled this lesson into my brain over and over-- but it never took.

In my journey to get my last 18 pounds off by Christmas (I can do it, I can do it…) I have decided to venture out of my normal routine. How many times have we heard that when you hit a plateau to change it up. I like change as much as the next person- but if it means this last 18 pounds then bring on the change!

A while back I attended a boot camp class with my sister at a local community center- and I had an OH DURRR moment… I live in a community, and we have a center- three of them actually- SURELY they have a boot camp class at one of them. SURELY. So I went digging online and sure enough…


I maaaaaayyyyy have missed that first word, got overly excited about the affordable class, it’s right down the street (literally), and had time slots that I could make work (with some help) for childcare, that I didn't stop to think about what I was getting into! But I did this class awhile back… I would be FINE!

It was time to head to the class. After my sister kicked me off the phone so I could go in (I may have been stalling… maybe), I paid the nice old man at the counter and settled into this huge old gym. It was big enough for a basketball court and more, with two stories of stairs off to the side (who needs stairs in a gym??), and plenty of room to move around. While I was waiting for class to begin, I started to check out the other people trailing in. Okay, okay, I was judging the other people trailing in. And my confidence began to build. I was (by far) the youngest person in there. I think the next youngest in age was in their 60’s, followed by other women in their 80’s. I got this in the BAG! I mean, I am a half marathon runner, right??

The instructor came in, super fit and super nice, she walked right up to me (the new face in class) and explained to listen to the ole body, and only push as hard as I could- avoid injuring myself. Oh lady- I am an expert, I am an exerciser right here. She headed to her mat, began the wonderful workout music and the party was ready to begin.

As our warmup progressed, I was feeling pretty great- jogging and stretching is no problem! Nice and easy, breathing fine and still able to hold a conversation. I had a smile on my face and the world was a great place. Then it happened. My perfect little world began to crumble…

We went from pushups to squats to planks and then to jump squats in a matter of minutes. Burpees... As soon as the word left her mouth I wanted to throw up. Never stopping!

Did you need a drink? Oh well!

Did you need to stop? Suck it up buttercup and keep on going!

Do you know that 60 seconds can last for an ETERNITY when you are doing plank-jacks? AN ETERNITY. And just when I thought I had surely finished the 45 minute class, I look up and it had been five minutes. FIVE MINUTES.  As the workout continued the instructor would call out “keep your butt down”, “keep your arms straight”, and “don’t stop now” and as I looked around during those instructions, I realized, she was talking to me! Those elderly ladies were on top of their game. They smoked me in pushups, not to mention they can plank like there is no tomorrow! And then it happened I found out why those stairs were in the gym. I found out nine times. Well eighteen if you ask me, I feel like going up should be one and coming down should be two, but the instructor was not interested in my opinion. Sprints, bicep curls, stairs, planks, pushups in a form I haven’t even heard of before and more stairs. The longest 45 minutes of my life. You knew where I was stationed because there was sweat everywhere and at any given time you could see me lying flat on my back like a turtle trying to take in my last breath.
As class ended, my elderly comrades jumped right up and began talking about attending the next class. And by next I mean the very next class she was teaching next hour! All the while I was just trying to get from all fours into a standing position. For the first time since I bought my car I regretted buying a stick shift and wasn’t sure if I could work the pedals to get home. Getting out of the car once I arrived was even worse.

All that being said, I did it. I survived. I didn’t die and I am sore, but I am stronger. And I can’t wait to go back! I am excited to see how boot camp changes my body in the next few months (yes I signed up for more than one—crazy I know)! Moral of the story... maybe I need to work on my judging skills because in this case the cover was very deceiving! Those old ladies kicked my tail!

Try something new- you never know… you may just enjoy it! 

Much love and burned calories to you!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

I am a Maniac!

Well, we did it AND we lived to tell about it! I have never been so excited for an adventure before and let me tell you, WORTH EVERY PENNY!

The Rugged Maniac was a 3 mile course loaded with 25 obstacles. It was hosted at the local ski slopes, and the weather was perfect for it. When I pulled up to wait for my spot, I just started laughing and then I realized that when my sister arrived (who was NOT excited about this adventure) she might just strangle me. And although I don't know why I was surprised to see it, but the race failed to mention that we would in fact be running UP AND DOWN these ski slopes... more than once. I was STOKED!

I got to go on this adventure with my sister, my sister-in-law and a very good friend of mine. We met up prior to our 9:30 wave start time and realized to get to the start line you had to get over a straight 3 foot wall in front of the waiting crowd... That was a bad sign of what was to come!

The duck showed up again! AND he brought my parents and my brother in law.... We were ready to go!

The race began, and although we had decided we weren't going for a record time, we still attempted to make good time at first. And then we got half way up the muddy ski slope and i realized we were in for a long hall.

 Although I don't recall every obstacle by it's name-- I remember the moments that are worth sharing! Once we got to the top of the hill we had (3) 4 foot walls to scale, just in case you're wondering- this is not the point in time that you want to have boobs. They got in the way.... EVERY TIME! We had a few 15 foot "A Frames" to climb over, which were more about height than difficulty- but I realized at this point that having short legs was going to be hard in scaling over the tops of these obstacles and just hoping your foot catches the foot hold quick enough! From there we followed the path around the back of the slopes and went STRAIGHT DOWN a mud trail. This is where we decided that holding onto the nearest tree branch or bush was the way to do it! (No one would let me hold onto them... ridiculous... I know!) At the bottom of the hill we had to trudge through the SMELLIEST water pool I had ever smelled. It was stagnant and murky and there was no way around it. I decided that my sister was older than me and by birth right she could go first... and she did... turns out she also found a log in the stagnant water and down she went! All the way up to her chin and I did the sisterly thing... I  LAUGHED SO HARD I ALMOST PEED MY PANTS. And I couldn't move for a few minutes... so funny. But we continued on....

Although the order from here is fuzzy.... The adventure included the following moments...

There were a few 15 feet tall Jacob's Ladders and Cargo Nets that we had to climb up and then down. These weren't bad-- the problem was my short legs. Even though that doesn't seem high- your muddy and wet and teetering to the other side was about a 5 second panic moment!

Wading through a water pit that was about waste deep- yet you didn't know when it was going to hit that point. I was fine in the water pit but climbing out of the water on the mud hill I lost my footing and not only went right down on my butt but I then slid a few feet-- laughing hysterically the whole time! The next water pit was more like a river and had floating PVC pipes in hit that we had to get over to continue. Same thing on this one, the depth would change and you wouldn't know it-- but by then the water felt GOOOOOD!

We went up a teeter-totter and then back down enough times that I actually stopped crawling and walked like the rest of the adults! Amy and I helped each other balance on ladders across a mud pit, balanced through blown up bags while balancing on ladders and willingly jumped off into a big pit of (relatively clean water). We crawled through a few tunnels and went down quite a few muddy hills, mostly on our behinds! We helped each other over 15 foot flat walls and survived jumping over fire! We all attempted the swinging rings (grab one ring and swing to another, then another...) and by attempt I mean we at least tried to touch the ring before we just jumped in the water!
Turns out fire jumping while muddy and soaking wet is in fact NOT flattering... In case you need to know!

The worst of them all was the Pipe dream... This obstacle started with sliding (on your stomach) down a large pipe ending up in a mud pit under barb wire. From there you army crawled a good distance to the other pipe in which you had to grab a rope and with nothing but upper body strength pull yourself out. Did I mention that half way through the pit- you ran out of water and mud and got to crawl on sharp little rocks. So fun. And my exit from the tube looked like a terrible birthing video... Nothing about it was decent or pretty! Not to mention when we got to the top of the next hill we had to crawl through another mud pit covered in barb wire.... we were over it!

As we were running down the last hill- again mostly on our butts- I looked back and there was my sister-- flat on her back and not moving! When I walked over to her she just said "Leave me, I AM DONE!" After I was done laughing at her we hurried down the hill, fell at least (5) more times and rounded the corner to meet the one obstacle I was afraid of... The warped wall! (Dunnnn dunnnn duuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn)

But we were going to try everything, once, and that was what I was determined to do. I would try it once. The bad thing about this was that as the racers were lining up for their turn, the spectators had gathered around to cheer each attempt... No pressure. Here was our attempt...

After my one attempt, we went up the side ladder, over the train cars on a cargo net and down the slide.

Would I do it again? In a heartbeat! I cannot write enough words to describe the adventure it was for me, not to mention the sense of accomplishment I felt afterwards. For our team, The Blood, Sweat and Beers... all in all we came back with four holes in my (very tight) spandex shorts, one case of poison ivy, multiple scrapes and bruises, a swollen ankle, blood was spilled and many many many laughs were shared!

I cant wait until the next one!

So I will leave you with this... I totally get being afraid of something in the physical activity world, of being to fat to finish (or even try), or being to scared that people will laugh at you or judge you before you even start. Do it anyways! Keep your head up! It will hurt, it will be hard and IT WILL BE WORTH IT! this was NEVER something a girl like me could do! I wasn't strong enough, light enough or good enough... But I threw that out the window and we CRUSHED IT!!!! I was afraid to fall, and afraid I wouldn't be able too... But I did it. And now I feel like I can conquer anything

Blood, sweat and beers to you all!

And until next time....


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A maniac preparing to be rugged...

Hey you awesome nerds! How is it? I cant believe the last post I did was talking about how I was starting my training for Rugged Maniac and now the race is only a few days away!

The training regimen I had sought out for myself provided many different "health" obstacles for me on my journey! I have spent so many years telling myself that I couldn't do something due to the plump nature of my lifestyle that I was so stinking excited to put myself out there and try something completely out there! But I did it and there are a few laughable moments I thought you might enjoy...

When I was out of time, or just too lazy to get up before my husband went to work, my workouts included assistance and participation of my awesome little people.... (I am not sure why I am surprised the my 4 year old can operate my phone camera as well as she does!)

"Mom, you aren't sweating hard enough."

"Brudder let's tackle mommy!"

"Daddy! There is no talking when mommy works out- we have to sit quiet and watch!" (uhhhhh that has never escaped my lips!)

"Mom! I cannot take your picture if you do not stay still and smile!"

What kid doesn't want to run hills? Granted they tended to roll down most of them instead of run- but it was a blast to watch!

Keeping track of hills in the dirt is a wonderful idea... Until your 1 year old adds his touch as well and you lose count....

4 honks, 2 cat calls and 1 "keep it up" later I survived my first run in a skort.... and probably my last!

Working is out is a WONDERFUL idea... Because you can eat things like this!

5:30 AM actually stands for.....


After all those workouts, I finally feel ready for the race! Or at least confident that I will survive it!

Here it is... Our list of obstacles this weekend... And although my sister doesn't think we will survive (she is getting her affairs in order) I am stoked! A little nervous about that warped wall- but I promised myself I would TRY everything before I pass it and hopefully I can keep that up!

1)      Wild Turkey Climb
2)      Barricades
3)      Jacobs Ladder
4)      Commando Crawl
5)      Hay Bale Descent
6)      Mud Pit
7)      Beam me up
8)      Surprise
9)      Shoe Catcher
10)   Let’s Cargo
11)   Whoops
12)   Tipping Point
13)   Water Works
14)   Napoleon Complex
15)   Pipe Dream
16)   The Gauntlet
17)   The Ringer
18)   Speed Trap
19)   Balance or Bust
20)   Pyromaniac
21)   Pack Mule
22)   Ninja Escape
23)   Accelerator
24)   Warp Wall

25)   Mount Maniac

Stay tuned for the final results and just keep going!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

You can't? That's crap!

Hello There!

I am sorry this has taken me so very long! Things have been a mad house in my small little corner of this big wide world! Oddly I have had more conversations about health and goals in the last month than I think have in my whole life! It's crazy and there has been a single common theme....

"I can't do (enter goal here), not like you can/did!"

I'm so far behind I think I'm first Great shirts for men, Running, fitness, jogging shirt, gift,  marathon t shirt, fitness, biking shirt on Etsy, $19.95
Well, here's my response? Why not? No, seriously... Why not? You don't need a miracle product and a thin body to be healthy! You need a little determination, a goal (not an end result) and ALOT of peer pressure!

When I started this journey, i was counting my lucky stars in I could run for 2 minutes straight- 
without dying. And that was a shuffle pace! I am talking 18 minute miles people! (And I was jiggling so I was running). But I kept going! And here's how....

lifeFirst, I was determined. How much more whining over my ice cream while watching Biggest Loser could my husband take? Seriously? It was pretty sad and pathetic people! One day- enough was enough! I set out to be a little more determined that i could do this!

Second, set a goal. something that you have to physically be able to do and a timeline. In my humble opinion, a size 2 jean size, isn't a goal. it's an end result. Completing a 5k, is a goal. It is something that is going to set you towards a healthier lifestyle and get you moving! I am a fan of public events- and this is one of the main reasons why... It's a deadline in which i have to be ready by! If I miss a run I cant just shrug it off-- I NEED TO COMPLETE IT! And even more amazing, you will surprise yourself with your goals! After the first one is complete- enjoy the spotlight- and set another! Keep going! Those end results you want, will come, and you wont even be thinking about it! For me, to focus on weight, acceptance, clothes or anything else materialistic in nature- it has always ended in a failure! 

Funny post on running for the first time in a long time! LOVE LOVE this site! Apple Weight Loss
Make it public! Come out of hiding and make it known that you are going to complete a 5k in one hour! Who cares if someone does it faster than you- there will always be someone faster than you! But as a wise woman i know once said- "Don't let the act of comparison steal your joy- that is all it's good for!" Post pictures, shout from the mountain tops when you're training, people will hold you accountable- even when you don't want them too! 

YOU CAN accomplish any goal you choose- set it up, plan for it and achieve it- but you can. In my opinion it is more a matter of will you. Do you want to? Accept the challenge and get out there! Need a goal? let me know! I have alot you can choose from :)

And here is my final thought... For those of you that don't know yet... I am signed up for the Rugged Maniac obstacle course that will take place in August! 

Looking for adventure?

How about a day filled with 25 epic obstacles, rockin’ music and plenty of beer?  Rugged Maniac Obstacle Race has you covered!  Here’s how it works:  Sign up for the race and you’ll get a chance to run our 3-mile course where you’ll climb towers of shipping containers, rocket down a 50′ water slide, bounce on trampolines, crawl through underground tunnels, leap over fire and more!

Let's be honest, they had me at "beer", but aside from that i am super excited! I added my training plan at the end of my rant for this upcoming madness- I am excited to be switching it up from straight cardio! As we all know, that's not my favorite thing to do! I hope it's something you can utilize and I will keep you posted!

Lesssssbihonest..... Some of these workouts are definitely going to be humorous! Especially when the first time I had to jump on a box (very small one) I missed and wiped out- and yes I looked around to see who had witnessed! :)

Can't wait to hear from you and I hope you are working on a goal for yourself!

Much love, sore muscles and peer pressure!


Rugged Maniac Workout Plan
(Or Rugged Madness :))
Endurance Week 1
Run 2 minutes then stop and do:
10 Squats
10 Push-ups
20 Mountain Climbers (10 each side)
10 Lunges (5 each leg)
10 Plank to Push-up
Do 10 rounds total, with little to no rest between rounds.

Strength Week 1
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).
Do 4 rounds of the following exercises, resting 30 seconds between each (no rest between rounds):
Moderate Height Box Jump (12x)
Renegade Row with Push-up (12x)
DB Step-up (10x each leg)
Pull Down/Pull Up (15x/8x)
Band or Cable Rotation (10x each side)

Endurance Week 2
Run 400 meters 6 times, resting in between runs for as long as it took you to run the previous 400 meters.
 On a scale of 1 -10, you should be exerting yourself at a 6. In other words, you shouldn’t be able to talk because you’re out of breath.

Strength Week 2
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).
Do 30 seconds of each of the following exercises, resting only 15 seconds between them:
Fast Feet on a box
Inchworm Push-up
Jump Lunge
DB/KB/Band Row
Mountain Climber
Squat Shoulder Press
Speed Skater
Do 3 rounds total, resting 2 minutes between rounds.

Endurance Week 3
Run 3 minutes then stop and do:
 12 Squat Jumps
12 Push-ups
24 Cross-Body Mountain Climbers (12 each side)
24 Split Jumps (12 each leg)
12 Plank to Push-up
Do 10 rounds total, with little to no rest between rounds.

Strength Week 3
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).
Do 4 rounds of the following exercises, resting 30 seconds between each: 
Broad Jump (12x)
Overhead Stone Throw (4x)
Shotput Stone Throw (3x each arm)
Spiderman Push-up Variation (6x each)
Weighted Explosive Step-up (8x each leg)
Jumping Pull-up and Hold (12x)
Standing Diagonal Chop (10x each side)

Endurance Week 4
Find a hill 50 meters long and run up and down 6 times, resting 20 seconds at the bottom each time. Exertion Level 7.
 Strength Week 4
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).
Do 45 seconds of each of the following exercises, resting only 15 seconds between them:
Lateral Obstacle Hop
Linear Push-up
T-Drill (shuffle, carioca, sprint)
Box Squat Thrust
Gate/Box Ski Jump
Bear Crawl (on a hill)
Lateral Bound (on a hill)
Do 3 rounds total, resting no longer than 2 minutes between rounds.
Endurance Week 5
Run 4 minutes then stop and do:
 14 Spiderman Push-ups
14 Squat Thrusts
14 Wide Mountain Climbers
28 Lunge Jumps (14 each leg)
14 Plank Alt Horse
Do 10 rounds total, with little to no rest between rounds.

Strength Week 5
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).
Do 4 rounds of the following exercises, resting 30 seconds between each:
Body Complex To Sprint [Deadlift (4x) - Rear Deadlift (4x) - Squat-Push Press (4x) then sprint 20 meters]
Stop Lunge (5x each leg)
Wall Muscle-up (4x)
Narrow Squat to Switch Press (8x)
Inverted Row Variation (15x)
Dip with Hip Flexion Variation (12x)

Endurance Week 6
Run 600 meters 6 times, resting for 30 seconds LESS than the time it took you to run the previous 600 meters.
Exertion Level 8.

Strength Week 6
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).
Do 60 seconds of each of the following exercises, resting only 20 seconds between them:
Pendulum Wall Jump
Reverse Kosak
Move The Mountain
Weighted Swing (on a wall)
Lateral Obstacle Burpee
Hill Jump with Half Twist
Speed Skater (on a wall)
Push-up Lateral Walk (on stairs) or Plyometric Push-ups (on stairs)
Do 4 rounds total, resting no longer than 2 minutes between rounds.
Endurance Week 7
Run 5 minutes then stop and do: 
16 Plyometric Push-ups 16 Single Leg Burpees (8 each leg)
32 Wide Half-Push-up Mountain Climbers (16 each side)
28 Lunge Jumps (14 each leg)
16 Lunge-Squat Lunge Combos
Do 8 rounds total, with little to no rest between rounds.

Strength Week 7
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).  Do 4 rounds of the following exercises, resting 30 seconds between each:
 Tall Box Jump (8x)
Pistol Squat with Single-Arm Press (5x each leg)
Suspended Medicine Ball Push-up (10x)
Squat Jump to Rocky Pull-up (10x)
Overhead Squat Variation (8x)
Inverted Row with Alt Leg Raise (12x)

Endurance Week 8
Find a hill 50 meters long and run up and down 10 times, resting 30 seconds at the bottom every other time. Exertion Level 9.

Strength Week 8
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm). Do 75 seconds of each of the following exercises, resting only 25 seconds between them:
180 Jump to Wall
Muscle Dip to Pike-up
Stability Squat
Double Turkish Get-up
Stair Spiderman
Walking Wall Push-up
Weighted Lateral Step Jump
Boulder Dash (up a hill)
Car Push
Do 4 rounds total, resting no longer than 2 minutes between rounds.

Week 9 Endurance
Run 4 minutes then stop and do:

10 Squats
10 Push-ups
20 Mountain Climbers (10 each side)
10 Lunges (5 each leg)
10 Plank to Push-up
Do 5 rounds total, with little to no rest between rounds.
Strength Week 9
Do the following exercises for 10 meters each: Skip, Side Shuffle, High-Knee Run, Buttkicker Run, Grapevine, Walking Lunge, Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach, Walking Knee-Hug, Walking Hamstring Stretch, Walking Quad Stretch and Walking Foot Lift, then do 15 push-ups, 15 Band Pull-Downs and 20 Band Rows (10 each arm).

Do 3 rounds of the following exercises, resting 30 seconds between each:

Tall Box Jump (5x)
Renegade Row to Press (10x)
Pistol Squat (8x each leg)
Pull-up (8x)
Standing Diagonal Chop (8x each side)

Endurance Week 10
Run 200 meters 6 times, resting twice as long as it took you to run the previous 200 meters. Focus on speed.
Exertion Level 9.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Crushed it!

The final leg of the series is FINALLY complete… Running with the cows is over and I couldn't be happier! It was a windy, hot and HILLY race, but let’s focus on the important part… I finished!

The last five weeks have been a journey, scratch that, the last year has been a journey! Both personally and on fitness level! I am finally at my wedding weight (ohhhhh yea) and I am finally starting to get a grip on who I am supposed to be! But let’s not get to deep here; let’s focus on what you came to find out… What is our topic of discussion this week? Well, I am feeling wiser so let’s talk about what I learned over the months of training, weekends of racing and my smaller pants!

13.1 things I have learned over 39.3 miles…

1) Support is important!

I am not just talking about your bra, I am talking about the people in your life that encourage you do accomplish big tasks!

This is one of my favorite pictures- grasping the support I had at the finish line-(3) people
They are my husband, sister in law and sister in law (who just finished herself)

My parents, and the duck- and you can see that duck from anywhere! Seriously- miles away! And even cooler, fellow racers remembered the duck and were glad to see the support from someone they didn't even know!

At the end of my final race (in Bucyrus, KS—think WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY out there), I rounded the last corner and saw a very special lady in my life standing there ready to cheer me in—and then she ran into the finish with me!

And endless messages of support from my dearest friends and family!

My sister. I can’t really go any further without tears- but she ran in the finish with me after her race was over and has just been a rock! (I let her beat me on the final leg—she deserved it…
and by letting her beat me, I mean I was very slow and she is just very fast)

Last, but not least…. Your bra is actually pretty stinking important… I recommend a good one.

2) Prepare for the worst- and then achieve the best

Race #1 was 100% humidity, Race #2 it rain/hailed at mile 5 (I am calling it hail because the rain hurt so bad—or maybe I was running so fast….), and Race #3 was hot and windy. You have to simply be ready for it all and know that it won’t last forever. You’ll have blisters, sunburn, more salt on your skin then you think possible and more than likely you will hurt some muscle you didn’t know you had…. Just accept it before you start and it will be that much easier to get over when it happens!

3) Have a goal!

You can’t finish a race that you didn’t sign up to start! What is your goal? I have learned that my monthly calendar mapping out my running schedule and what my end goal was (surviving) was really what I needed! And for these last few days, prior to starting my new adventure, I have felt LOST without one! Have a goal; share your goal and then you will find how much easier it is to achieve it!! I promise!

4) You can do it… But will you?

You have no idea how many people comment like the following:

“I don’t know how you do it, I could never do that!”
“I can’t run”
“How do you run that far? I can’t do a 5k!”

You get the point, right? Here is the thing, you CAN do it, the question I pose back—do you want to? I would say this for any health adventure. Half Marathons are a beast, yes, but it is all about one foot in front of the other! Do you know most races I start with a prayer for safety and strength, yet by mile 10 I am praying that I can simply continue to put my left foot in front of my right? You CAN do it! Choose too and I think you will surprise yourself!

5) Ice it and move on

I have poor knee strength. It’s one of those blessings of pounding the pavement with the extra weight I carry around. It’s one of those catch 22’s—it will go away if I lose the weight, but I run to aid in that endeavor. But instead of making it a crutch, I just ice it and move on. In my final race, it was too much to bear and I ended up walking my last three miles- but that was ok with me! I finished (<- important part) and my knee survived.

6) What goes up… Goes up

The term “Gentle rolling hills” is officially a four letter word in my vocabulary! Check out what they considered gentle rolling hills….

It was a constant up and down and up and down… Never trust the description…. In light of how they described it- I took the liberty of rewriting the last course for your consideration…

 “Enjoy the horrible rolling hills of Kansas. We picked this wonderful location because it was the hilliest we could find! Once you achieve the first hill, don’t worry you can enjoy another (and then another and another)! And just when you finish up and see the home stretch—we made sure you have to run UP it to complete your race! Yay for hills! Now, who wants to sign up?”

7) Look back and see how far you have come!

I found out that in the past few years I have made these comments on social media! And I am remember thinking that way!

I am a HUGE advocate of making sure you remember where you came from so that you know how far you have come! (Awwwww SNAP that should be a bumper sticker!) Nobody came out fast, chiseled and amazingly attractive—but they did work to get there!

8) You are racing yourself

You can’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. This is a tough one for me, and over the last few weeks it really rang true! I had to be so careful to not get bummed out that people I knew were SMOKING me on the trail—and even when the urge to trip them came on strong—I refrained and congratulated them! I was still smoking what I did the last time I ran, and that was what was important! And I looked hotter in my running pants than I did the time before… That is what is really important here!

9) Watch what you do when you are hot and someone gives you water

Sorry for the men reading this- it may be an overshare. For many reasons, I wear a maxi pad when I run. Especially after having children, many things tend to be out of my control and unnecessary wetness is a very bad thing on a 13 mile course. Although wearing the pads is not a new lesson learned for me, what I did realize though is how absorbent they are! At mile 10 I was so hot, I took one of the water cups and dumped it down my back, which in theory was a good idea… until the water got to the back of my pants. All of the sudden there was something growing in my pants. VERY ABSORBENT!

10) You miss it

I know that sounds odd, and who in their right mind would miss killing themselves on a trail just to prepare for an already too long race?? I took a week off and I miss it!! (Maybe I just miss the calorie burning, but either way missing it is missing it!

11) There IS such a thing as toooooo much water!

Drink for thirst- not for convenience. At one point, I felt like a waterbed on legs I was sloshing so much! I was 100% grateful for the abundance of water stops—but you really should only drink when you feel thirsty.

12) Make other people do it with you!

Yes, that means I will go out on a limb and say MAYBE I know why my sister continues to talk me into these things!
Race #1

Race #1

Race #2 

Race #3

13) It’s a mental thing

Yes, the runners I know, including myself, are mental and the ability to finish a race is mental…. There is an ability you have to fine tune of making sure you don’t talk yourself out of things. Not just negative self-talk, you have to be able to remind yourself that you CAN finish, and that you will! 13.1 miles is a LOOOOONG ways and you will easily find at least 100 reasons as to why you can’t complete the task you are out there to do (I usually find my first 100 by mile 4). Find sayings, prayers or the right songs to remind yourself you CAN, you WILL and then you will see that you DO! (Man, I am telling you—I could write bumper stickers for a living!)

.1) If for no other reason, I know I will always run for beer

39.3 Heartland Series-- NAILED IT! Will I do it again? I say no, but then my sister will somehow convince me it is a good idea! We shall see-- lets leave it at that-- i feel safe with that statement!

 I will be starting a new type of healthy adventure next week- and the results promise to be more than blog worthy!

I cant wait to hear what you think, what you are achieving and if I can help support you!

Lace up and do it!

~ K