Friday, June 24, 2016

Being Brave

As I look back on this blog and all I shared with you, I definitely used the time to bring you in to the humor of how I run. And I have definitely had some adventures with running; accomplished some goals, got peer pressured into everything (insert eye roll) and had some memories!

But as life has moved on, things have definitely changed for me as well! We are now blessed with (3) munchkins ranging from 8 months to 5 years old! So as you can imagine our life is in a constant state of chaos and change! And sadly, so is my figure.

One of our biggest changes this year will fall onto my compassionate, shy and reluctant 5 year old child. Kindergarten is coming! In the many conversations we have had about this new adventure for her, and there have been oh so many, we have discussed being brave. That there are things in everyone’s life they may not want to do, but they have to build up the courage and brave the change. During one of our many conversations, she looked me in the eye and asked

“Do grownups need to be brave?”
“Yes.” I told her
“Then what are you doing that you have to be brave about?” She replied

Well. Crap.

Nothing. I do the same thing, every week. I expect amazing results from my normal routine even though I won’t go out of my zone to push the limits. I like my comfort zone, there are snacks here. You can totally judge me, I am ok with that. I forget how comfortable I am where I am until I see a picture of myself, or notice how often I grimace and hide from a camera. Things have to change, but I have to be brave enough to change them.

I then decided, and promised my daughter, that I would find some ways to be brave with her. We would be a brave duo! Well, it turns out she hasn’t let me forget and keeps asking me what I am doing to be brave! As a great reminder we put it on the wall so we can see it every day and I know myself well enough that if I don’t make it very public, I will probably lose sight of it. And if I am going to ask her to do things that push her to the limits; I should definitely lead by example! Alright everyone- it's time for me to put on my big girl panties (bigger than they should be) and BE BRAVE!

So I made a list of things to do, then realized my list weren't things that would push me. More along the lines of things I wanted to do. So, round two, here we are. I have made my list of things I am NOT comfortable doing, and am giving myself 9 weeks to do them. 9 weeks seem like a lot of time but as I sat down to plan this adventure I realized it really isn’t. At all. Nope. Maybe I should have said a year. That would have been good too. Sigh. However, in 9 weeks I will be another year older. 

Double Crap.

Please feel free to join me on an adventure- or all of them. Seriously. It would be super fun and you know it! And we all know I am going to make my sister do at least a few with me! If anything it would be fun to come and laugh at me. Or us. Probably us.

Here we go- things I have yet to be brave enough to try-
  •  Meal prep weekly (you would think that staying home would make eating what I should be eating easy- nope. Not at all.)
  • Working with a personal trainer- I am a rather cheap person. I think everything is expensive (unless we are talking about sneakers) and I always thought I could do it on my own. “Could” being the word to focus on here.
  • Water boot camp—because boot camp isn’t enough, I OBVIOUSLY need to do it in my bathing suit!
  • TRX boot camp—when your body weight is the resistance, being the heavier attendee seems quite unfair, just saying.
  • Cleanse. Do I really have to go into why this one is a tad bit un-nerving?
  • Double my daily steps—why else do you track your steps if you aren’t going to do anything with the information? Unless there is a step club I am unaware of! Oooh maybe there is and they have snacks- OH AND the snacks should get better the more steps you take! This is an amazing plan!
  • Workout 2x a week, in the morning, for 4 weeks. Sigh. This is going to take more bravado and discipline than I care to admit.Have you every seen that fantastically fit people working out before work? 

So there you have it. Time to take on my brave adventures and don’t worry, I’ll let you know how it goes. Even though it is safe to say it will mostly be disastrous, funny and you’re going to wish you had been there!I have already started my journey and schedule and there are already many laughs, eye rolls and moments you will enjoy reading about! 

Here’s to a braver me! 

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