Sunday, September 22, 2013

Follow the rules

There are rules… Rules of the trail

When you get into the longer distances- the city blocks and choppy sidewalks just don’t quite cut it anymore! You have to find a great, and I would suggest flat, trail to put in the long hikes. However, while on these trails, there are unsaid rules (and posted ones) that you must follow for your fellow runners on the trail.

First, pack some supplies, you NEVER know what will happen and running for 2+ hours is a long time! So make sure you are prepared
  • ·         Fanny packs… Yes- I said it- Bring it back yo! It’s handy, it convenient, and I think it is quite stylish!
  • ·         A mobile device… For tracking your runs, your tunes and a mayday call if necessary
  • ·         Kleenexes… Bathrooms can be few and far between so don’t count on there being any kid of paper that isn't green (and probably poisonous). And if you are anything like me and you don’t pay attention to your diet- you will need that toilet paper
  • ·         Water/Gatorade… No brainer
  • ·         Carbs… 10 miles isn't natural…. Shoot sometimes I think that 3 miles isn’t natural so carbs are a must have!
  • ·        Bandaids and Tylenol.... I pretty much am injured EVERY SINGLE TIME
  • ·         Keys… Do you want to be locked out when you get back to your car and have to hike another few miles home? I didn't think so!

Read their rules- these are the ones that you can’t miss when you get there and are plain as day! Then interpret them as you see fit- I mean rules are for breaking, right?
  • ·         Travel at reasonable speeds? What if I want to go super fast, does this trail not allow over accomplishment?
  • ·         Take up only half of the trail? What are you trying to say? What if, by default, I need the whole trail? Huh? What if I am afraid of the sides and need to be in the middle? Just sayin’…

Pay attention to nature!
There are a lot of things nature will tell you!

For instance- the grooves in the trail? 
Well, Katie....  
This is just from water runoff...

And this is from bikers on the trail...

Are you 100%, bet your life and your first born, sure? I didn't think so- and when in doubt—
THINK SNAKES! (And it goes unsaid to run faster, right?)

Do you believe in UFO’s? 
Someone is either making a sign in the corn, Superman is finally here, or the alien landed- and changed his mind!Note: A dear friend of mine gave me a complex about rivers- therefore while running next to a river- check it for bodies… Seriously

Landmarks are the best… 

 This means only AWESOME people can pass… Right??
When you find a bathroom- USE IT! This bathroom is a blessing! Real roof, walls and on concrete!
Seriously… I can’t even make this stuff up! Who puts the "Trail of Death" on a trail I should probably no longer run solo?!?!?

Dance and celebrate your victories- who cares who is watching?!?!

Last, but most importantly—when you see used duct tape along the way – run FASTER!
Party on and happy trails!
