One of my newest adventures has been to commit to a TRX
class twice a week. Before we can talk about where I am at now, and the amount of soreness that comes with this class, let’s go back
in the past…
Way way way back to the time that I accidentally walked into a
class called “TRX Bootcamp.”
(What was the accident? Well I only saw “Bootcamp”
so imagine my surprise when everyone in the class was hanging onto straps when
I walked in!)
Example 1 |
Super terrifying.
Had it not been for the girl put in charge of helping me,
with every question I had, I may not have survived.
Every single time we had to move the bands.
And every exercise.
And every stretch.
I hope she logged the
extra calories burned that day.
With the brave challenge beginning I found a fantastic
babysitter and joined the day time TRX class. After that one class long, long
ago I thought for sure this would be a “crushed it” kind of class, right?? OK,
so what is TRX? The serious, non-Katie, answer? It’s an exercise class based on
using anchored straps (see example 1) to do exercises off of. Now, although the
instructor does show you how to modify almost everything—a lot of the exercises
are based off of using your own body weight as resistance. Totally unfair. And
ridiculous. Uuuggggggghhhhhhhhh. (insert HUGE eye roll here). So essentially
you're learning to use your core more for balance while you workout, engaging
more muscles as you go. Here are some examples (and yes, OBVIOUSLY that’s me in
the picture!)
For the record, I am glad I didn’t see the pictures prior to
attending, that would have scared the crap out of me!

So how did it go?
It hurt.
It was flipping hard.
I did it.
I did it. I faced something that was hard and did it. I am
by far the least coordinated in the class, and the last time the instructor
said time for one legged burpees I literally threw up a little in my mouth. Yes, it’s
a work in progress, but here is the crazy thing. I feel stronger. I can see
definition in my shoulders and as the classes have flown by this summer I can
do more and more of the exercises I thought were pure madness! (Not one legged
burpees though- don’t get crazy!)

HOWEVER.... Remember how I used to spend class on the floor simply looking perplexed? Now when she says to do pikes.... Look at me! (But then she says 12 pikes and I still looked perplexed after I accomplish my first :/)
I felt vindicated when we left one day and there was an ambulance outside the building. The EMT's were just arriving. Obviously they were in the right place! Did they know class just got out??
Am I still attending? Yes. I am a glutton for punishment and I am actually starting to enjoy it! Can you do it? For sure. That's not the real question though. The real question is will you try something that you are scared of? For you? Because YOU are worth it? Although I wont be able to go every class this year (school schedules really mess things up! :)) I am attending once a week-- you should totally come with me!!
up..... well... there are alot of things on the list so more to come!
Until next time.... Be
you and be BRAVE!
~~ Katie
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