With the Holidays and adjustments we had made- it happened- running fell to the background. I had done such a fantastic job of staying on top of purely maintaining just so I wouldn't set myself back but the two weeks of Christmas/New Years, and then a week with the flu and other incidentals, well... let me be honest here- I didn't MAKE the time to hit the pavement, and I was behind.
Can you claim that you are back in the game, back on the trail or hitting it hard after a 3 week hiatus with only one run after your belt? I hope so because that is what I am going to claim!
It was time for that fateful day to arrive and for me to get back out there to see just how bad off things were. With the Heartland Series peeking around the corner I was going to run out of time- and likely not survive. So I put on my big girl panties, laced up my well worn shoes and headed out. I jokingly told my husband I would be back in an hour (for a 2 miler), but sadly he didn't see the joke (or he truly agreed it may take me that long!) and noted the time --Most likely to look for my body along the trail when I didn't make it.
But at some point every runner has to make a decision. the decision to get out there and just do it- stop talking about it and put one foot in front of the other. On this particular run, the first mile was great- running a PR mile time and not really having any pains or breathing issues (pretty much a rock star) and then it hit me... I might actually not make it! every muscle started burning, you would have thought I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes and weighed 800 pounds for as much as it was hurting. But guess what-- I survived. I didn't die the gruesome death on the side of the road, no one hit me with their car (even though they might have slowed thinking I was in need of assistance from a mortal wound) and I made it back to my house on my own accord. While walking to the front door I didn't have one ounce of regret. My whole entire body sure felt as though I had finished an 8 miler, not only a 2.... But the important word here is FINISHED. And that was good enough for me!
Just like the office bully that seems impossible to deal with, get around and always seems to get her way... Running is a mind set and if you let the bully talk you down, you will never be able to rise above it! There are some of you that have mentioned that you really want to do a series, a run or even a half marathon this year... Just do it! Right foot, left foot, right foot.... Show em what you are made of my friend! I promise you, that you will not regret it
Things are never how they seem and anything, ANYTHING can be accomplished!
Nothing but love, hugs and calories burned to you!
~ K
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