Lately I have been looking for inspiration and have noticed the wonderful people I have in my life! So, in reflection, I saw so many diamonds in the rough...
My sister who has kept up on her running and I about to complete her first 39.3 series. Crazy- absolutely but Aw inspiring!
A friend that I don't see often but when I do it's uplifting, supportive and a laughing adventure! She helps me to find me and understand what I need in life- she inspires me to remember who I am and be okay with that!
A friend that I'm blessed to see very often, raise our kids together and laugh at everyone around us! She inspires me to be a better person in the professional and spiritual world and sees who I can be!
A friend that I have been blessed to share our single lives, our married lives and our motherhood adventures together! She inspires me to remember its all an adventure to be had and to enjoy it.
My mother, traveling her own journey but inspiring me to never give up! Just keep trying!
My husband, My best friend, My biggest fan... This journey would definitely not be possible if it weren't for someone at home that can help me and support me throughout the ups and downs of this journey. Just like I need a good bra to get through this adventure, We all need an excellent support system and people that inspire us on a daily basis!

I hope through my journey to become a better woman, wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend! Besides- who else would laugh at me when I explain how I ran into a parked car while changing songs on my iPod or that I'm so cheap and my bras don't fit that one side popped out while mid-stride?
I have a two part challenge for you this month...
- First, do something to inspire someone this month... You never know what effect you will have on their life! And if you have been inspired by someone- tell them! It will make their whole day!!
- Second, give yourself 20 minutes a day. 20 minutes to do something good for you! My sister inspired the women in my family to do something every day in the month of March that will make you sweat, and not only do I think this is AWESOME for the women in my family but I think it would be great for you too! Let me know how you do! 20 minutes, you can do that!
Happy trails to you! Stay on the beaten path, trust me, you can do it!
Ps... In an earlier post I noted my email, and I put it in there wrong- it is Katie_Alexander721@yahoo.com
I would love to hear your stories!
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