1) You can't feel guilty leaving your spouse with 2 screaming kids! It's like a bandaid- just get the painful part over with! Once you're alone and on the beaten path it gets easier!
2) It's not the binge eating that gets me; it's the little snacks throughout the day! A chocolate bar here and a handful of mini M&Ms there (those are sinfully DELICIOUS!!)! Gots to say no to those little snacks that I "forget" to add to my daily intake!
3) As I told my daughter while potty training, it's okay if you have a slip up and forget, you just have to try harder next time! And then make a BIG DEAL out of your success! Whether its a sticker chart and a present or posting pictures on Facebook so people can tell you how awesome you are!
4) Plan to succeed... How many times do we hear that and then don't do it?? My weekly menu is planned out and it turns out when it's stuffed full of healthy food, I eat healthier?!?! Crazy but true... Maybe that's why these plan to succeed people actually succeed -- I am a believer!

6) Make it fun!! No one likes to do things that aren't fun... Laundry, cleaning out the fridge, animal accidents on the carpet... No way to make those tasks any fun- I don't care what you say!! But my two year old daughter taught me recently that if its fun- you'll WANT to do it! This will explain why I break dance in the middle of a JT song and stop to laugh at myself when I can't figure out what I just tripped on! (Yes, I have caught people staring... Oh well)
7) Keep at least one eye on the prize and the other on the road! I have a little black dress and a pair of very expensive jeans that I WILL be wearing again, without my muffin top (even though that is the best part of the muffin!)! Every time I want that cupcake with delectable cream cheese frosting, I imagine it stuck to my behind and realize I don't want to run just to eat it! Nothing, in my opinion, is THAT good!! And they are little moments when you have to make a little decision but in the end it is so empowering to know you beat that cupcake!

9) Put it all on film... Seriously. At the beginning of my journey, I took a VERY deep breath and squeezed into the smallest bikini I have ever worn... I looked like shamu got stuck into the plastic ring on a 6 pack of cans and couldn't get out! But bravely I stood in front of not only a camera, but my husband as well (someone had to take the picture). I want my own before and after picture as well as a way to see how far I have come and not just how far I have to go! All with a simple click!

Next goal in sight... Be under my baby weight before my baby turns one! I may not run fast- but I can definitely run far!
Active thoughts your way,
The Horizontal Running Team Captain
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