As most of you know I wanted to do a long run before Thanksgiving- best way eat some turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy GUILT FREE! And who loves guilt free food (especially carbs)... THIS GIRL!
It was only a 10k.. Only... and I was prepared for this. At least as much as I could. My knowledge of the course from the website- it would be a gradual down and up and down again. I could do this. Plus, I had my sister at my side. I did the usual water preparation the week before and I was warmed up and ready.
And then it happened... My sister cancelled on me. For the first time EVER I was on my own!
Cue anxiety attack
I practice run on my own- and don't get me wrong I am not nearly as fast as my sister but just knowing she is on the course SOMEWHERE is a calming force. But here I was, staring down a course I have never ran, all by my lonesome and the internal debate of whether or not I would be going to the race myself.
$45.00.... That is where I got stuck. I couldn't look past the $45.00 that I spent to register for the race and so I convinced my inner doubting Thomas that I could in fact do this and continued to plan ahead.
Energy Beans.... Check
Number attached... Check
Lets get this party started
And then it was time to line up-- I cranked up the music and reminded myself it was only a 10k... 6.20 miles... No big deal
Well, for starters, whoever posted the elevation chart... They lied. Liar.
And let me finish that with a note- if the beginning of your run is a lonnnnng downhill... That is not a good thing. because guess what.... You eventually have to go UP that hill.
The scenery was very country and the run was small- but not too terrible.
My goal was simple... Beat my 10k split time for the KC Half- that's it.
(For those of us that STILL cannot read it no matter how big the picture is it says "1:22:55")
That was the goal- and I knew I wanted to do it- the question was going to be could I push myself hard enough on my own
After 4.0 miles I was struggling- I was getting emotional (happens to awesome runners like myself) so I did what I knew would help.... I prayed- ALOT. And then I got a string of text messages that will always make me tear up when I read them...
And then.... My phone died. Seriously. On the hardest and worst hill in the race (the last one) my phone pooped out on me. But I kept on- what was I going to do at this point? Say I quit? I knew I could do this and I was going to!
Now knowing where I was in regards to time- I pushed as hard as I could and I finished! It was tough, rough and emotional- but I finished a race all by myself!
Leaving the race with my new medal and sticker... I could only think of two things... A snack and did I beat my time?
FINALLY the results were posted later that evening....
40 seconds.... 40 seconds!!! That is all I needed.... After I tried to think about how long it took me to stop and tie my shoe at mile 2 I realized that it was okay that I failed. It's OK. I have to have something to keep shooting for- so it's ok.
In all seriousness... I am thankful. Thankful for the husband that lets me leave him on Saturday mornings with our two adventures, and thankful for my support system. They are awesome in every way and I would not have been able to do any of this without them.
So thank you. If you have supported me in ANY way... thank you.
Ps..... And in those nights that I tend to lean towards the site of the boat that gets down about it... I do what everyone else would do in my situation.... I blame my sister! :)
Until we meet again
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