Here are just a few…
1. I don’t want to
2. A beer sounds better
3. Isn't Sister Wives on?
4. It’s hot
5. I want some cheese
6. I miss my kids
7. I want to hang out with my hubby
8. I want a beer
9. It’s hot
10. It’s hard
11. My house is dirty
12. Isn't there ANYTHING on TV?
13. I need to fold laundry
14. I need to clean the bathroom
15. There is an ice cold beer in my fridge
And that list could pretty much ramble on forever- and it usually does! I have been able to talk myself out of a run that was much needed! But how is that not a normal thing? If someone were to tell me that they HONESTLY LOVED RUNNING—I might want to double check their sanity score. Its hard and there are many things about it that make it harder for me….
1. I sweat… every where
2. My feet hurt
3. Races are expensive
5. Races are early
6. There aren't enough bras in the world to reign me in
7. You have to work at it to get faster
8. I have to wear a fanny pack (yes… have to)
9. What goes up…. Somehow ALWAYS stays going up!
10. I sweat… seriously it’s worth putting down twice
11. I am sore every time
12. It’s not cheap…. Who made up that lie anyways??
13. You have to be thin to be fast but you have to be fast to be thin…
14. Blisters, calluses, tree limbs, parked cars…. Injuries
15. You have to actually get off your butt and DO IT
So why do it? Well, I need to. I don’t have to, I need to. I have made my running public not only for the comic relief of what happens to me throughout the journey, but to keep me on plan. I finished my run last night in the 4,000% humidity because I know there is a run I am publicly about to take on and need to survive! I have an accountability group that is important to me! And I don’t see you all every day, but when I do and hear things from you about my running, my brain goes two ways…
Second thoughts? How AWESOME to hear of the motivation that this blog provides some of you! That is so cool and I am so happy for that!! Some of you have stopped me to tell me how it has motivated you to do something hard and step out on faith- that is the best thing you can ever tell someone on a journey of their own! Don’t shy away from telling people these things- those are the comments I hear as I run out of energy in the last mile!! Although it may be small… the quality of reason why running DOESN'T suck usually gets me out the door….
1. Smaller pants
2. I NEVER regret a run…. EVER
3. Healthier example for my kids
4. The bling of the race… (Yes I am persuaded by the medal)
5. Smaller pants
6. To show others that you CAN in fact do things you never thought you could
7. Awesome racing outfits Do something good for you today- I promise you won't regret it!