Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dangerous Pace

I wouldn’t say I LOVE to run, but I enjoy it. Silence from my kiddos, my husband and of course I get smaller and smaller as time goes on. But as we have discussed previously there are dangers to running, as well as things along the path that make me go faster. I have a very dear friend that introduced me to the show Criminal Minds, and is also pretty sure that you can find a dead body anywhere. That being said, I would like to discuss some of the things that can make me run faster than normal, AT MY DANGER PACE…


Note: If your house/property/goose is pictured... we might have to discuss some very important matters

Places you can hide a dead body would be first….

If I have to run on the opposite side of the road because the bush is so overgrown, what is the source of the fertilizer?

Where did all that dirt come from and what is in it’s place?

Yup, that’s big enough for at least two bodies

This was made for an easy dump site! Just slide that body down the ‘ole body slide and problem solved!

Ah the road in which a Fox 4 News Van stopped me mid-run and asked “Is this where the police found the dead body?” Ehhhhhhhhh

Driveway- where does that lead? To dead bodies?

And now for just odd in general, odd enough that I will sprint by at neck breaking speed so I am not on the 5:00 news….

every time I pass this, I just KNOW that someone is going to jump out and scare me… EVERY TIME!!!!

If you don’t see these and automatically think of those super scary, creepy, haunting ghosts stories than you don’t watch super scary, creepy, haunting ghosts stories. There is nothing natural or pretty about these super scary, creepy, haunting ghosts’ story trees!
I am just confused as to why you would display one of these? To show me how you’re going to kill me??? CREEEEEEPY!!!!
Look closely… it’s not a horse… It’s a DOG…. A very territorial one
God made these creatures to torture me (well and squirrels)- they are not pretty and sweet- they are MEAN and hate me! And you NEVER know if they are real or plastic! Seriously!

[Sign under mailbox reads "Please do not block mailbox"]
What are you having delivered to you that someone cannot park in front of your mailbox? Even more, who is parking in front of your mailbox that you don’t know and can’t just ask them to move?

Are the police slow or the criminals? If it’s the police, is it because even they don’t want to come here?? If it’s the criminals—then why do you even need the police? If they are so slow you know about it, why can’t you just resolve the issue yourself??

I have never found a dead body en route, and I pray I never do but my imagination can sure get away from me sometimes! I hope you are staying motivated and healthy, (and following my blog) throughout your journey!
This month I have chosen a very unflattering picture of myself to try and kick my butt into gear and get motivated… so far I just look at while I am thinking about chocolate- the chocolate wins but HEY… it’s all about baby steps.
Very ALIVE trails to you,