Friday, January 4, 2013

4 Weeks... 1 Habit

For those of you that have followed this blog- we were expecting a baby in December and he has arrived! Jasper Wayne arrived safely on December 28th, weighing only 8 pounds (I was hoping for a 40 pounder :)) and he came out screaming. We are so very blessed as family and I couldn't ask for more!

This is my current breakfast... They say the more colorful the diet, the better- right??

As the days pass by, I realize February is right around the corner! And that is when we (yes- you and me) are starting our running program! Remember... Don't chicken out on me now! You can do this!! In order to get us prepared for this fun and exciting time in our lives it is time to get rid of our holiday bloat (or at least mine) and get geared up for some fantastic running memories!

I am not going to preach at you on how to achieve this, but share with you what I am doing, how I am doing and hopefully inspire you to do something. (Something is better than nothing!) Focus on only being healthy this month- even if that is only one thing... for instance cutting back the caffeine. Whatever you decide, just stick with it! It is great practice for our FANTASTIC running plan we are about to embark on!

So what is my plan? Well, although I was hopeful my son would be 40 pounds when he was born (and leave me at a zero gain) I wasn't so lucky... So I have to make sure I get this tackled ASAP! My biggest issue has never been that I am unwilling to be active, but what I put in my mouth. And not just the few snacks I choose here and there, but the whole package of Oreo's that went missing during one episode of Teen Mom (the show that makes me feel like the best mother EVER!!).

Choose to Lose: The 7-day Carb Cycle SolutionSo I have decided to start with a recomended program from a friend of mine. She has praised the Book "Choose to Lose" by Chris Powell, so that is where I am going to start. I promise to keep you posted as the month goes along and hopefully I will have a few success stories in there!

Just choose something, again- it can be simple or complex- but I promise your body will thank you later when he hit that 10 mile day!

So the countdown has begun, our first week to start is February, so get ready, get set... Get Started!! I am so excited to do this with you!!

You don't know what you can do unless you TRY!

~~ K